Q: How Do I Get to First Baptist?
We are located at 225 Hunt Drive in Hazel Green, Alabama 35750. Click for a map to the church.
Q: What Are Your Service Times?
Life Groups - Sundays at 9:15 AM
Worship - Sundays at at 10:30 PM
Wednesday Evenings -
(Wednesday night activities occur during school year. We break for school breaks)
Q: Where Do I Park?
You will find guest and handicapped parking immediately in front of the Worship Center (look for Welcome Flag). Additional parking may be found to the rear of the building.
Q: What Do I Wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. Come as you are! First Baptist tends to be a casual church - we have folks wearing jeans/tees to khakis/polos or dresses.
Q: What Do I Do with My Children?
Nursery - We provide a nursery for children birth through age 2. The nursery is located directly to your front as you enter the main entrance
Children’s Worship - During our morning worship service preschoolers (age 3-4K) attend Little Kid’s Time and children (Gr. K-4) attend Kid’s Time. Children in grades 5-6 attend worship with their parents. Please see a greeter or usher for help finding children worship locations.
Family Worship - The first Sunday of each month is Family Worship Day. Children (Gr. K-6) worship with their parents in the main Worship Center.
Q: What Is a Sunday Service Like?
Our worship services include a contemporary blend of newer worship songs and older hymns. Lyrics to all songs are projected on large screens in the Worship Center. The service also includes times of fellowship and prayer. Our pastor preaches biblical messages that address current issues we all face in life. We close our service with a invitation to respond to the sermon. Our staff and deacons are available to answer your questions and aid with any decision you feel led to make.
Q: Do You Offer Small Group Bible Studies on Sunday Morning?
Most of our Life Groups meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 (before the morning service). Click for more information about Life Groups.
We offer groups for every person in your family. Finding a group is easy. Please visit the Discover Desk in the Foyer as your arrive and a member of our team will help you find a group. You can also contact the Life Group Office before your come and we will help connect you with a group.
We are located at 225 Hunt Drive in Hazel Green, Alabama 35750. Click for a map to the church.
Q: What Are Your Service Times?
Life Groups - Sundays at 9:15 AM
Worship - Sundays at at 10:30 PM
Wednesday Evenings -
- 5:15 PM - First Family Meal (Fellowship Hall)
- 6:15 PM - Worship Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
- 6:30 PM - Mid-Week with Pastor Brad (Devotion/Prayer in Fellowship Hall)
- 6:30 PM - Energize Kids (First Kid's Backyard Worship Center)
- 6:30 PM - Connect Worship for Students (Connect Center)
- 7:00 PM - Disciple U (Adult Bible Study)
- 7:15 PM - Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center)
(Wednesday night activities occur during school year. We break for school breaks)
Q: Where Do I Park?
You will find guest and handicapped parking immediately in front of the Worship Center (look for Welcome Flag). Additional parking may be found to the rear of the building.
Q: What Do I Wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. Come as you are! First Baptist tends to be a casual church - we have folks wearing jeans/tees to khakis/polos or dresses.
Q: What Do I Do with My Children?
Nursery - We provide a nursery for children birth through age 2. The nursery is located directly to your front as you enter the main entrance
Children’s Worship - During our morning worship service preschoolers (age 3-4K) attend Little Kid’s Time and children (Gr. K-4) attend Kid’s Time. Children in grades 5-6 attend worship with their parents. Please see a greeter or usher for help finding children worship locations.
Family Worship - The first Sunday of each month is Family Worship Day. Children (Gr. K-6) worship with their parents in the main Worship Center.
Q: What Is a Sunday Service Like?
Our worship services include a contemporary blend of newer worship songs and older hymns. Lyrics to all songs are projected on large screens in the Worship Center. The service also includes times of fellowship and prayer. Our pastor preaches biblical messages that address current issues we all face in life. We close our service with a invitation to respond to the sermon. Our staff and deacons are available to answer your questions and aid with any decision you feel led to make.
- Guest Recognition - We promise to not embarrass you in anyway during the service. Please help us get to know you by completing the registration card attached to each week’s worship bulletin. We will only use this information to share more about our church with your family. If you take the completed tear off card to our Discover Desk in the Foyer, we will give you a thank gift for visiting our church. You can also place the registration slip into an offering basket following the service. First time guest are invited to meet the pastor or a staff member following each service in the foyer.
- Offering - Each week, we collect an offering so that church members and regular attendees can support the work and ministry of our church. We do not expect guest to participate in the offering.
Q: Do You Offer Small Group Bible Studies on Sunday Morning?
Most of our Life Groups meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 (before the morning service). Click for more information about Life Groups.
We offer groups for every person in your family. Finding a group is easy. Please visit the Discover Desk in the Foyer as your arrive and a member of our team will help you find a group. You can also contact the Life Group Office before your come and we will help connect you with a group.