Discovering God's Goodness Together
Developing into the Likeness of Christ Together
Deploying to Our Neighbors and to the Nations Together
We believe that our Life Group Small Group ministry is the most important thing we do at First Baptist. If your family can only participate in one activity at our church, choose a life group. Each life group meets at different times for fellowship and ministry projects, but they also meet each Sunday morning for Bible study and prayer. We believe this hour can make a huge difference in your life. The group will treat you like a good friend and you will never be asked to speak, read, or pray out loud unless you volunteer.

Discover God's Goodness Together
This world in which we live can be a very lonely place. It is hard to find caring friends and to discover a sense of community. Through our Sunday morning Life Groups, we want to provide you a connection to a small group of friends who will share fun times and be there in the rough ones too. Your Life Group will help you experience God's goodness and love as you live life together.

Develop into the Likeness of Christ Together
Becoming a mature follower of Jesus Christ is difficult - especially alone. We need the encouragement and accountability of a small group of fellow journeyers who face similar struggles in life. We need a place where we can study God's Word together in a non-threatening environment. For these reasons, a Life Group will help you grow spiritually.
We believe weekly hour of group Bible study on Sunday morning is vital for your development as a Christian.
We believe weekly hour of group Bible study on Sunday morning is vital for your development as a Christian.

Deploy to Our Neighbors & the Nations Together
We develop into the likeness of Christ so that we can deploy on mission to our community and the world so that others can discover God's goodness. A Life Group will give you the opportunity to stretch your service muscles as your group ministers to each other and engages together in mission projects.
Our Life Groups are Ministry/Missions 101 at First Baptist.
Our Life Groups are Ministry/Missions 101 at First Baptist.
Try a lifegroup!
We offer a Life Group for everyone in your family - birth through senior adult. For adults, we offer a variety of groups including coed groups, men's group, women's groups, and groups for single adults. We can help you find the group that best meets your life stage.
Our groups meet a various times for fellowship and ministry but they also meet each Sunday morning at 9:15 for Bible Study.
Our groups meet a various times for fellowship and ministry but they also meet each Sunday morning at 9:15 for Bible Study.