DEVELOPING worship leaders who are DEPLOYED
to help people DISCOVER God's goodness.
At First Baptist Hazel Green, we define worship as setting our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection on the Lord, praising Him for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do in the future. Worship is a lifestyle of complete devotion to our Creator. We express our devotion in the manner we conduct our lives; by being obedient and giving ourselves away in ministry to others.
At various times, the First Baptist family gathers to collectively demonstrate our passion for God. We use music and other artistic expressions, praying, and preaching to celebrate God’s love for us and encourage one another. Our worship services at First Baptist feature a contemporary blend of newer worship songs and older hymns in a causal, friendly atmosphere.
Scroll Down to Discover Ways to Develop and Deploy in Our Worship Ministry
At various times, the First Baptist family gathers to collectively demonstrate our passion for God. We use music and other artistic expressions, praying, and preaching to celebrate God’s love for us and encourage one another. Our worship services at First Baptist feature a contemporary blend of newer worship songs and older hymns in a causal, friendly atmosphere.
Scroll Down to Discover Ways to Develop and Deploy in Our Worship Ministry

Worship Choir
The Worship Choir is comprised of people who love to worship God and share the good news of Jesus through song. The choir leads our church in worship Sunday mornings and present special worship events throughout the year. No audition needed - a willingness to make joyful noise is the only requirement.

Worship Band
We are always looking for experienced players to help lead the congregation in worship. The band is made up of younger and older players wanting to play with excellence. The band does require an audition with the Worship Pastor, and placement will be based on your playing skills, attitude and openness to serve. We can also help develop less skilled musicians.

Tech Team
We are always looking for committed individuals willing to serve behind the scenes providing technical support for our worship services. Positions include audio production, video production and projection, live streaming, and lighting.
Worship Rehearsals
Sunday mornings
8:15 AM - Worship Band/Tech Sound Check (Worship Center)
10:20 AM - Worship Choir Rally (Choir Room)
10:30 AM - Worship Service
10:20 AM - Worship Choir Rally (Choir Room)
10:30 AM - Worship Service
6:15 PM - Worship Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
7:30 PM - Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center)
7:30 PM - Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center)