to our neighbors....
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
Acts 1:8

lunches of love
A ministry to provide weekend food for kids in need at Moore's Mill Intermediate and Lynn Fanning Elementary Schools. First Baptist packs over 90 bags each week.

north american missions board
NAMB mobilizes Southern Baptist churches to impact North America with the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and church planting. First Baptist supports NAMB through regular and special offerings, and mission deployment.

alabama baptist children's home
The Alabama Baptist Children's Home seeks to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services. First Baptist supports this ministry through regular and special offerings.

hisway recovery center
His Way is a faith-based recovery program for men struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. First Baptist supports His way through mission deployment.

Crossroads pregnancy center
Crossroads Pregnancy Clinic exists to care for women and men facing unplanned pregnancies by providing life-affirming education through pregnancy decision counseling.

one generation away
One Generation Away distributes healthy foods to families throughout Alabama that currently do not have access to food sources due to economic and physical barriers.

Surrendering the Secret
Kids to love
Fostering roots foundation
Surrendering the Secret (STS), a ministry designed to help women and men heal from the hurt of abortion. Abortion affects people of all walks of life. STS provides resources for women that have had abortions, and opportunities for others to help support these women.
Kids to Love Foundation has directly impacted the lives of thousands of foster children. Our ultimate goal is to find “forever families” for children who are waiting to be adopted. But there are so many others ways to help – through donations, volunteer hours and support for our programs.
Fostering Roots Foundation's mission is to be a valued resource to the foster, kinship, and adoptive community within Madison County, Alabama and its surrounding areas.
To the nations....
First Baptist joins with internal partners to mobilize its members to reach the nations for Jesus Christ.
We are deployed to change the world.

International MissIon Board

Samaritan's purse

Crosspoint international
The IMB partners with churches to empower mission teams to make disciples and multiply churches among unreached people groups. First Baptist supports the IMB through regular and special offerings, and mission deployment.
Samaritan's Purse is an evangelical Christian humanitarian relief organization. First Baptist supports Samaritan's Purse through special offerings and participation in Operation Christmas Child.
Crosspoint International exists to bring Christians together to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations. Crosspoint current focus is on Nicaragua, Honduras, and Ecuador. First Baptist works with Crosspoint to partner with Central American churches for deployment and resourcing.

MIssion firefly
Mission Firefly seeks to empower and support the impoverished peoples of the world in order to share the hope of the gospel. Mission Firefly current focus is meeting physical, medical, and water needs in Guatemala. First Baptist supports Mission Firefly through mission deployment.

Center for Strategic missions
The Center for Strategic Missions works with Honduran congregations to plant new Baptist churches in areas without an evangelical witness. We support this ministry through mission deployment.